Video Guide: How to Uninstall Adobe Substance 3D Painter with UninstallService
In this video guide, you’ll learn how to uninstall Adobe Substance 3D Painter completely with UninstallService.
Adobe Substance 3D Painter is a powerful software application designed to allow users to texture 3D models in real-time. It is ideal for designers, artists, and game developers who need to create realistic 3D models with highly detailed textures. One of the most significant advantages of Substance 3D Painter is its ability to provide real-time feedback on texture changes, allowing users to see the results of their work immediately. This feature can save designers and artists a considerable amount of time and can help them to experiment with different textures more efficiently. Additionally, Substance 3D Painter offers a vast library of pre-made materials and textures, making it easier for users to find the perfect texture for their project. Overall, Adobe Substance 3D Painter is a powerful and versatile tool that can help users create stunning and realistic 3D models with ease.
Steps to Uninstall Adobe Substance 3D Painter
- Select Adobe Substance 3D Painter in the app list
- Click the trash icon on the right
- Click Yes on the prompt message box
- Review the files and then click Start Uninstall to proceed
- Click Remove to start the uninstall process
- Wait for the on-screen process to be completed, and then click Scan Leftovers
- Click Delete Leftovers to complete the Adobe Substance 3D Painter removal
Posted on May 2, 2023 UninstallService Editor